GreySignal Fusion

GreySignal Fusion™


Blend all your GreySignal apps together effortlessly.





Combine your GreySignal apps together for one unified system. Sounds fancy.

Thanks to GreySignal Fusion technology, you can now connect all of your apps together. Your CRM can not interact with your inventory system, financial software, and more.

What is Fusion™?

GreySignal Fusion technology is a new type of service GreySignal offers. Fusion allows customers to have a specific type of app built now, then add on a different type of app down the road. For example, a customer wants a customer relationship management (CRM) software built for their business. A year from now, they now want an inventory system linked in with the CRM to track who is getting what materials. GreySignal Fusion would combine these two apps, allows the customer to log into a single interface and see both the CRM and inventory data, and link data to and from each.


How much does Fusion cost?

GreySignal Fusion is based on a per basis instance. In order for a fusion to take place, we would need to be alerted which apps you need connected and compare builds and versions. Please contact us to get a quote for fusion.


Can fusion be used on non-GreySignal apps?

Unfortunately not. GreySignal’s app frameworks are proprietary and allow us to maneuver data much more easily than traditionally designed software.