Josh Dronzek, CEO, pictured left
GreySignal spreading Christmas Spirit for The National Kidney Foundation, James Bond 007 style!
PITTSBURGH, PA – The National Kidney Foundation is the leading organization in the U.S. dedicated to the awareness, prevention, and treatment of kidney disease. For hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals, millions of patients and their families, and tens of millions of Americans at risk, they provide an opportunity to increase the quality of life.
For the 3rd year in row IT Data & Cloud Services Provider GreySignal, Inc. partnered with the Pittsburgh Social Exchange and TSCM experts from Empire Investigations, LLC to host a Holiday VIP event at Stage AE. On December 16th 2015, more than 1,000 VIP’s, including local celebrities, media personnel, and business owners from Pittsburgh and surrounding areas, provided attendance on Pittsburgh’s North Shore. Celebrities such as Elena LaQuatra, Miss Pennsylvania 2016, Andrew Stockey, Channel 4 Action News, and more made it to the event.
With benefits of the event going towards The National Kidney Foundation, Stage AE provided a fantastic venue to celebrate the holiday season. By teaming up with PSE’s Ethan Nicholas and Empire Investigations CEO Bob Kresson, the trio has established an incredible platform to promote their cause.